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A desertified colony world on the Outer Rim, Aaru IV is known for its nasteen deposits and the inability of its corporate overlords to prevent a significant degree of criminal activity.
A verdant agricultural world on the Outer Rim, Aaru XI is an unremarkable planet occupied by a small population who toil large fields and live in modest and widely dispersed settlements.
The majority of officers and recruits which make up the bulk of the Imperial Legions make their way to Carida at some point in their career.
A planet-wide city known as an ecumenopolis, Coruscant has long been acknowledged as the capital world of the entire galaxy.
Corellia rests on an intersection of a number of hyperlanes, making it one of the easiest planets in the galaxy to chart astrogation jumps for.
A barren and lifeless rock in the middle of nowhere on the Outer Rim, Grutoka I would be an insignificant blip on any galactic chart, were it not for the space station orbiting it.
The Hoth system is an incredibly remote, distant location which has largely been of very little interest to anyone in the galaxy.
Notorious for its large predators and heavily forested terrain, Hsskhor is often listed among planets unsafe for citizens of the Galactic Empire to visit without particular permits.
A frozen ball of ice, Icala III is almost completely uncharted, unnoticed, unexplored, and lost in a remote corner of the galaxy.
The Jurion Field, despite its remote location, has been the subject of much interest thanks to the not insignificant value of the ores and minerals within the field.
Kashyyyk is covered in the immense wroshyr trees, which frequently stand up to one kilometre tall and dominate all other natural features.
The corrupt and ruthless administration of Kessel operate a brutal regime entirely in support of the notorious glitterstim spice mines.
The lush, swampy world of Kolgorra lies outside is located along the distant edge of the Outer Rim, far from most civilisation.
The once lush world of Korriban was scarred by devastating factional warfare a millennia ago, and now resembles a desertified wasteland.
From orbit, Malastaire looks to the naked eye largely barren and lifeless, covered in swirling mists and crackling storms.
Known as the Crypt by its more contemporary Imperial overseers, the planet is notorious for its unforgiving temperatures and fearsome local fauna.
The highly volatile atmosphere of Navalan—the extremely rare plasmatic environment—also provides ideal conditions for some of the galaxy’s rarest resources.
A planet ravaged by tectonic rupturing, Oku-Kei is known primarily for its massive deposits of the incredibly rare mineral Kalaxium.
Climate and weather on the world of Onderon is affected by the retrograde, elliptical orbit of its large and unusually close moon, Dxun.
Ryloth orbits its sun with the same hemisphere always facing the light, and its opposite perpetually shrouded in freezing dark.
The Stybius system is all that remains of what was once a red giant star and four planets, after the star reduced it to radioactive waste.
The industrial world of Veloma is a central reservoir of power for its sector, administered by the Hapax Corporation on behalf of the Galactic Empire.