Strike a pose. There’s nothing to it.
Scopophilia is, basically, a love of looking, though it might also encompass the desire of and within the act of looking itself. As predominantly visual creatures, humans tend to appraise a great deal of meaning primarily from what we see and, perhaps more importantly, how we see it.
Two advertisements I saw struck me with such force that I intercepted the friend I was meeting for lunch and immediately mentioned my compulsion to return to take a photo of the said posters. I did so: they are two of the images which accompany this piece.
This suit clearly bends the rules as much as it can to express itself. Dior were clearly trying to get as close to loosening the inherent restraint of the suit without actually breaking anything.
I have no particular knowledge, nor opinion, of Taylor Swift the person and/or artist. Nevertheless, I was compelled to expound upon an outfit she wore to the 2018 American Music Awards.
Just wear it. | No. | You’ll get burned otherwise. | I’m not wearing it!
You might wonder about coup d'œil as the name of the fashion section. You might not, but let’s assume you do. Why a French word? Why not something in English? Why not fingerspitzengefühl?