Unlimited Power. Whilst not technically unlimited, the power of the Atom Furnaces has tapped the very core of the planet Veloma, allowing the facility to generate unimaginable amounts of power. These colossal facilities service multiple sectors and run at what appears to be a remarkably low price.
Subterranean. The Furnaces are buried deep within the mantle of the planet, injecting matter into unstable regions just beneath the crust to trigger tectonic reactions. While some parts of the Furnaces do protrude above the surface, the bulk of their mass lies underground.
Cheap Energy. While the cost in credits to maintain the Furnaces is far outstripped by the volume of energy it produces, the Atom Furnaces have completely ravaged Veloma’s surface and atmosphere. Continent-size rifts regularly split the planet’s crust, which became uninhabitable half a century ago. Earthquakes are common, and cause a significant degree of damage to the facilities, including the Atom Furnaces themselves. Recent terrorist attacks by criminal syndicates have exposed the risk of Imperial reliance upon the Furnaces, as an entire sector was wracked by power shortages while one of the major Furnaces near Veltara was repaired.
Corporate Controlled. While the Hapax Corporation holds the patents to the Atom Furnaces, this highly regarded technology is under constant assault from industrial espionage and the risk of theft by rival corporations, particularly Czerka Mercantile.