Minor Faction
Throne World: Vaku
Major Rivals: TaggeCo
The Gift of Life
Spaarti now control the majority of clone manufacturing facilities. Original image: Wookieepedia
Sometimes known as SpaarTek for short, Spaarti Technologies are a corporation which shifted its primary focus away from medicinal research and production toward the burgeoning field of clone technology during the Clone Wars.
Though Spaarti was founded several centuries prior to their rise to prominence, their interests were held in the field of medicine for most of that time, developing a number of advances in the use of bacta during field operations—an unusual application, since the material is usually stored in large tanks, which while incredibly effective must be flushed and refilled after each use. Essentially, their first great success was making the use of bacta more efficient.
When the Fourth Jedi Schism erupted and inflicted a terrible toll on the Old Republic, one of the potential solutions was the newly-discovered field of clone technology. Clones were the answer to the rapid depletion of labour the galaxy had come to suffer as a result of the war. As planet after planet was subjected to bombardment or clashes between massive armies, the collateral damage threatened to create another economic crisis. Into the void stepped Tagge & Company, then still modest in size but one of Spaarti’s most bitter rivals. However, TaggeCo’s success also ultimately proved to be their downfall.
Spaarti learned from the mistakes of rival and developed the second generation of cloning technology in secret. Keen to keep their research far from the prying eyes of the Jedi, they ensured that any new developments would be secured only through private funding, which itself became something of an effort in espionage and counter-intelligence. And yet, they succeeded where TaggeCo failed.
Thanks to the fallout from the Clone Wars and the need for clone technology to shore up galactic labour and supply, Spaarti’s new developments eventually became accepted by the wider galaxy and have since become a major part of galactic commerce. Spaarti were also, notably, unscathed by the vitriol and disdain poured upon Xenon Bioengineering thanks to their association with the Jedi. The technology Spaarti helped create has since been utilised in a vast array of medicinal practices across the galaxy, and they remain the forerunner of cloning technology, now providing the galaxy with the first run of Series VII clones.