Major Faction
Throne World: Korriban
Once, almost a millennia ago, the Knights of the Sith had arisen as a specific and strategic means to counter one of the perceived weaknesses of the Jedi; their code of honour. The Jedi consciously refrained from murder, stealth, and needless destruction, which eventually their enemies discerned and manipulated. The Knights of the Sith were, in short, the direct answer to this problem.
A branch of the Jedi took a new oath; one which sought to ensure the safety of the Galactic Republic through any means necessary. This made them pariahs among their kin, many of whom refused to condone or even recognise the Sith for what they were: a necessary evil.
Thus, when the Jedi Order became tainted by association with the Knights upon whom they had placed this very burden, it surprised few when the Sith were vilified in order to deflect that taint. The Sith went into exile, being stripped of their homeworld of Had Abaddon and banished to the far-flung Outer Rim world of Korriban. There, they seethed over the betrayal, and began plotting means of retaliation against their haughty kin. The Jedi, whose Order they were once a part of, and on whose behalf they had fallen so far. For the good of the galaxy.
Sure enough, their time came. With the Jedi driven to yet another deadly schism, the galaxy had broken out into all-out war. While the Clone Wars did not begin with the Sith, the conflict certainly ended with them. The once exiles returned in all their glory, and were welcomed by the new authoritarian regime which had gradually taken control of the Republic. With the aid of the Sith, the traditions of many millennia were overturned, and the Galactic Empire was born. In this new regime, the Sith suddenly found themselves exiles-become-enforcers, and the power of the fallen Jedi was ostensibly handed directly to them.
Where the Jedi Order had once stood for peace and justice, now the dominance of the Sith Order enforces the rule of law, the order and security of the entire galaxy. Each Knight now finds themselves with powerful military allies, who have scrambled to ensure that they, and their faction, control enough Sith warriors and assassins to stave off the masterful agents of their enemies. Yet the Knights of the Sith have their own ideals, their own agenda to uphold.