Minor Faction
Throne World: Mas Char
Major Rivals: Rieekan Industries, Mer-Sonn Munitions
Security for a New Order
The most ubiquitious arms manufacturer in the galaxy, BlasTech now services most of the military units of the Galactic Empire. Original image: Wookieepedia
A subsidiary of the New Order Corporation, BlasTech is the primary manufacturer of armaments for the Galactic Empire, and its rolling contract makes it extremely difficult for other companies to increase their market share or realistically compete with the enormous stock they are able to produce and logistically deliver to the Imperial Army. The corporation manufactures reliable stock weaponry and operate various research and development operations studying armaments and assault weaponry capable of penetrating or negating advanced shielding technology.
Headquartered on Mas Char, the corporation has offices and outlets on almost every Imperial-held world, and many even outside the Core. Its distribution networks are enormous, though clientele repeatedly complain that any shipment which competes with Imperial military protocols are likely to be delayed, if not outright requisitioned, and BlasTech has done little to assuage these accusations.
Nevertheless, the corporation has maintained a positive public persona, successfully managing several large industrial accidents and a dangerous riot on Dondregon which destroyed one of its factories. BlasTech are frequently supported (and their many brutal vices publicly defended and excused, if not outright venerated) by the Galactic Blaster Association, a propagandistic lobbying group whose own executives also hold shares and senior positions in the corporation.
The Chief Executive of BlasTech, as tradition holds, enjoys a guaranteed seat, along with the Executive of NOC, on the Council of Galactic Security.